Entries by Rich Price

Tackling Cancer Through Team Science

Fall 2017 For patients suffering from metastatic breast cancer, where the disease has spread throughout the body, the survival rate is only 22%. These women and men face ongoing treatment for the rest of their lives, often with harsh side effects. Although treatable, there is no cure for metastatic disease. The University of Virginia Health […]

Investigator Profile: Richard Price, PhD

October 17, 2017. Can focused ultrasound be used as a tool to allow therapeutic agents to reach deadly brain tumors? Is it possible to stop the progression and spread of breast cancer? If Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed early, could its effect on the brain be reversed? These questions and more are being tackled by scientists […]

Price Earns Inaugural Prize for Cancer Treatment Using Focused Ultrasound

October 11, 2017 The Focused Ultrasound Foundation announced that Richard Price, professor of biomedical engineering, radiology and radiation oncology, has been selected as the inaugural recipient of the $75,000 Andrew J. Lockhart Memorial Prize. Terry and Eugene Lockhart, the parents of the award’s namesake, presented the prize on Oct. 2. Read More.